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Guide to the Atlantic MPA Categories

Auteur : MAIA partners
Date : 01/10/2013
Pays : Spain, France, Portugal, United Kingdom
Type : Outils de communication
Thématiques techniques : Gestion des AMP
Langues disponibles : English

Understanding the diversity and complementarity of Marine Protected Areas (MPA).

The acronym "MPA" encompasses a wide range of tools, approaches and goals that different countries implement in different ways. Launched in 2010, the MAIA network aims to promote and share this wealth and these differences to foster mutual understanding and the development of a recognized, effective, sustainable and well-managed network of marine protected areas in the Atlantic arc.

This document aims to (re)present the full diversity of approaches and tools, i.e. the MPA categories.

Some twenty sites are presented in the form of descriptive data sheets to paint a picture of the main MPA categories in effect in the Atlantic arc. Each data sheet presents one MPA together with the other MPAs (with a different category) located in the same geographic area. The blue tabat the top of the page indicates the category covered in the description, while the shaded tabs specify the other categories in force within the geographic area (they may be adjacent to or overlap with the MPA presented).

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