Du 03/12/2012 au 06/12/2012 (Arcachon, France)
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This conference is being organised by the Agence des aires marines protégées, the MAIA project partnership, in close cooperation with preparatory unit for the proposed Parc naturel marin of Bassin d'Arcachon and the MeshAtlantic project team (Mapping European Seabed Habitats, www.meshatlantic.eu/) .
The aim is to promote the development of a well-managed MPA network in the Atlantic arc by gathering MPA practitioners and organisations to share their experiences and to consolidate the momentum created by the project. This First Conference of the Atlantic Arc MPA Network is also the opportunity to formally launch the MAIA network, extending it to the Atlantic region as a whole.
Palais des Congrès - Arcachon, France.
Full detail on travel options and accommodation in the Practicalities
The conference will be translated simultaneously in French, Spanish, English and Portuguese.
MAIA project partners, MPA managers and stakeholders, decision makers for MPA planning and management, competent institutional representatives, organisations, academics.
Secretariat and general coordination :
Ptolémée - Mathieu Langlois
T. +33 (0)1 47 70 45 79
Press Contacts :
Anne Littaye (English and French)
T. +33 (0)672 65 34 16
Phénia Marras (English, French and Spanish)
T. +33 (0)633 27 48 95
A Press Conference will be held on Monday December 3rd at the Palais des Congrès of Arcachon at 18:30