Issue 7 - November 2011. This series of newsletters provides site managers with insights about who's who and what's where in Brussels to bring Brussels and the issues that could affect your work closer to you.
The seventh issue includes the following topics:
1. Eurosite Annual General Meeting
2. Natura 2000 and Birds and Habitats Directives
2.1 Financing Natura 2000
2.2 Biogeographic Seminars
3. EU Biodiversity Policy Updates
3.1 EU Biodiversity Strategy
3.2 Update on Invasive Alien Species
3.3 Green Infrastructure
4. EU and International Environmental Policy Developments
4.1 EU Preparation for the Rio +20 Conference
4.2 EC Road Map for Resource Efficiency
4.3 Evaluation of the EC 6th Environmental Action Programme
4.4 First Meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
5. New Reports
5.1 UNECE Forest Sector Outlook Study
5.2 EEA report on Landscape Fragmentation
5.3 EEB Publication on Natura 2000 Site Management
6. LIFE's 20th anniversary
European Agenda - Forthcoming Meetings and Events of Interest in 2011 and 2012