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MPA indicators and context of use: literature overview with emphasis on applicability to the Northeast Atlantic

Auteur : Yorgos Stratoudakis - IPMA
Date : 01/09/2012
Pays : Portugal
Type : Publication scientifique
Thématiques techniques : Gouvernance / Concertation, Valeur économique des AMP, Gestion des AMP, Suivi - monitoring
Langues disponibles : English

MAIA aims to contribute towards a more interrelated system of MPAs in the European waters of the UK, France, Spain and Portugal, despite the distinct starting points of constituent MPAs (in terms of management priorities, monitoring implementation and governance regimes). In relation to MPA monitoring, it proposes to achieve the above by setting common baselines, facilitating spatial comparisons and providing a framework of more general understanding of MPA impacts at a regional scale.

This report provides a literature overview of indicators used to monitor Marine Protected Areas around the world, in terms of ecological, socio-economic and governance performance. Emphasis is placed throughout in indicator relevance, i.e. the necessity of monitoring to be guided closely by management goals and objectives during its design and to be communicated efficiently during its implementation to inform management effectiveness evaluation in the context of an emerging network.

The rationale for the definition of the document scope is provided in section 1. Section 2 demonstrates the need to look both upstream (governance and management systems, MPA goals and objectives) and downstream (effectiveness evaluation and adaptive management decisions) when considering MPA monitoring and indicator use, and provides a theoretical contextualization of MPAs as complex social-ecological systems (both individual and extending to networks). Section 3 provides specific examples from the MPA indicators literature, separately for the biophysical, socio-economic and governance components. Section 4 briefly sets the current situation within the north-east Atlantic waters of Europe, while section 5 provides a proposal and a calendar for the rest of the action plan related to MPA monitoring and use of indicators within MAIA and beyond.

The research papers and reports considered for this overview are listed at the end of the report. Given that this document is meant predominantly to be used for collective reflection within MAIA and not for publication, entire phrases, paragraphs or Figures are copied from the literature when considered relevant, providing always the appropriate citation of the source.

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